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STPM Tutors Recommendations

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STPM study is not exactly for everyone, students are specially selected with excellent academic grades from their GCE ‘O’ levels leaving examination, before they are allocated into different STPMs. Even among STPMs, there are different tiers of excellent schools. Though the tiers were not arranged by the local government, Malaysia being a competitive society, inevitably, parents strive to put their children in some of the elitist schools.

About STPM

Usually after the first 4-5 years of academic study at Secondary School level (High School equivalent), students with good passing grades from their GCE ‘O’ levels examination, will be handpicked to attend a 2 years programme, with a 95% guaranteed place to enter the local universities in Malaysia thereafter. The 2 years programme is called, STPM. Due to the high possibility of entering into a local university once after the 2 years programme, parents who desire their children to attain a recognised bachelor degree from the National University of Malaysia, Malaysia Management University, Nanyang Technological University and a few others, tend to be more harped up in wanting their children to do well in their GCE ‘O’ levels.

During the course of two years, students will be going through similar learning programmes as what they have studied throughout the past 4 – 5 years at Secondary School level. The only difference is that, the standard and level of difficulty in each subject is higher, and more demanding at STPM. Instead of taking 6 – 8 subjects previously, they will be studying 4 – 5 subjects only. Though the number of subjects to study at STPM may seem to have decreased, but let not deceive you of the intensity and demand of these subjects.

However, as the saying goes, we learned from our own challenges and our characters are only moulded during trials. Students who have gone through STPM, could vouch that the intensity level is high, time management has to be strong, and the skills to multi-tasks and prioritisation help one to excel better than the rest. Many good characters are being developed during this course of time, and yes, most of them survived through, however, some may not find that the environment is suitable for them, and could possibly sort for other things that would interest them more, such as attending an arts and music school or more specialised and hands-on diploma courses in polytechnics.

Benefits of attending private tuition during your course in STPM.

  • Bridging the Learning Gaps
  • As mentioned, 2 years of intensive study is not an easy feat, students who are not able to understand the concept of the subjects at STPM, may tend to fall behind their peers. As such, seeking for external help from home tutors is crucial to ensure that their learning journey stay on track. Though teachers in various STPMs offer help to their students after school lessons, parents of these students tend to be competitive in wanting their children to continue to excel much better than their peers in school.

  • Flexible Schedule
  • Engaging private home tutors to help your child in his STPM subjects, provides more time flexibility. Your child could plan his time wisely after school, before attending to tuition. Since the tutor is traveling down to the tutee’s place, your child could spend his time resting before attending the lesson.

  • Learn from the Experts
  • Private home tutors for STPM tuition are readily available when the need arises. As many of the school teachers from these STPMs could have decided to become private home tutors once their contract term with the Ministry of Education Malaysia is due. Hence, there isn’t shortages of finding these tutors. However, be prepared to pay a premium tuition fee for these tutors, as they do not come cheap.

    How could we find experience STPM Tutors in Malaysia?

    To find an experience STPM Tutor in Malaysia:

    • Pick registered tuition agencies only, and you can check the details of the registration on the internet, from their site, or visit their office in Malaysia.
    • Another good method is to seek referrals from your friends. After all, your friends could have a few shortlisted tuition agencies to recommend.
    • After you have shortlisted the tuition agency in Malaysia, it's imperative to set up a list of tutors whose services you would like to get. You can check for their profiles on the agency's website, and get in touch with them personally too.
    • Choosing a trusted tuition agency for your private tuition at STPM level, can be a daunting task. But, the hassle gets resolved at ChampionTutor Inc. All you need to do is to call us at +65 6850 5040, and we will find you the most qualified tutor!

    Subjects for Home Tuition Services

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