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Malay Tutors Recommendations

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Malay Tuition

Malays who are residing in Malaysia has a choice to choose their mother tongue, similarly to the Chinese and Indians. Majority of the Malays will definitely choose their native language as their mother tongue. Though Malays in Malaysia are the minority, emphasis of honing this subject should not be neglected.

As a whole, in Malaysia there are greater number of people conversing in English, whether it is at home, work, or schools, the medium of education is English and no matter where we go, people would understand English. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that we are also losing touch of our mother tongue, and possibly finding challenges in forming cohesive sentences.

According to the emerging trends, it is increasingly challenging for parents to coach their children in Malay, as the standard of the language gets higher, parents are usually stretched between work and taking care of the kids, not to mention, guiding their child in school work is definitely not an easy feat. In such scenario, the best option is find a good Malay Tutor in Malaysia.

At, "ChampionTutor" we have a selected bunch of well trained Malay Tutors that can help you to overcome adverse situation:

  • The home environment does not permit ample opportunities for children to practice in speaking Malay, as most of them converse in English.
  • There is lack of interest in learning Malay because not many people in schools or otherwise would use the language.
  • Most students face the problem of language attrition, where the learning of one language interferes with the learning of the second. In this case, it is English that is interfering in the learning of Malay

For all parents who are finding it hard to inculcate the interest of the child in liking Malay language, you can sought for a Malay Tuition in Malaysia. With years of experience in the industry and teachers who're dedicated and passionate about teaching Malay, we can help you in many ways:

  • The first thing here is that although text books are available for excelling in a class room setting, in order to truly understand the language, a one to one program like ours will be better. Also because in every class there are several students with different pace of learning, the teachers can seldom cater to each one of them. With a personal Malay Tuition, you can make your child learn at his comfort pace.
  • Secondly, most schools will give home assignments to the students, which may not always be within their reach. They may end up copying the content from their textbooks, which will not help them to improve and excel in their exams. A Malay tutor can analyze the weakness of the child, by pointing out their mistakes and helping them to correct it on the spot.
  • Thirdly, in a school environment, only a few classes per week are scheduled for Malay, whereas all other subjects also taught in English, which actually has given students lesser opportunities to practice the language. With a one to one Malay Tuition, students can learn how to read, write and speak the language more fluently.

Parents should not take their child's education lightly, a part of which is performing well in their second language. If excelling Malay is your aim and you would like to search for an excellent tutor, please contact us today.

To get started immediately, please kindly register at our website. You can browse through the profiles of our tutors.

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