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Chinese Tutors Recommendations

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Chinese Tuition

English is deemed as an important language in Malaysia, however children in Malaysia should also be aware of Chinese language as well, especially if they are born as a Chinese. According to the census of 2011, approximately 74% of the Malaysiaan population constituted of Chinese, either partial or full, making them the largest ethnic group on the island country. Lacking the ability to communicate with such a large group can certainly be a handicap.

Chinese is one of the categories in Mother Tongue for Malaysia along with Tamil, Malay and English. It is one of the most difficult languages to master and the reason why teaching and learning Chinese has become a challenge in schools. The subject is compulsory and it is not possible to be excused from this language in Primary and Secondary School level.

The only thing you can do to help your children to better excel in Chinese is availing the services of a Chinese home tutor in Malaysia. And, when we say Chinese tutor Malaysia, we mean the best teachers only.  The government too is making efforts to promote the language and has established the Malaysia Center for Chinese Language (SCCL) to promote Chinese as the second most important language after English.

Parents remain quiet confused about why their children should be burdened with a difficult language like Chinese, but there are in fact plenty of good reasons for the same:

  • For the large Chinese ethnic community of Malaysia, preserving their rich history and culture is possible only if their language survives the test of times.
  • A large population, even of Chinese people is increasingly finding English much easier to communicate at home and work, therefore young children find it hard to learn their own mother tongue.
  • It is believed that 1 out every 5 people in the world speak Chinese. The opening of the Chinese economy has opened the corporate world to the biggest markets on Earth. Companies are therefore recruiting a large number of people who can communicate in Chinese.
  • When we look at local banks and other government concern, their interviews always have a section dedicated to Chinese so that their employees can fluently communicate with local as well as international Chinese speaking population.

Above all, if you want to lead a smooth life in Malaysia, Chinese is a must. From street hawkers, barbers, grocery store attendants, car mechanics, and other people in different offices and shops, they’re all most likely to belong to the Chinese ethnicity.

Finding a good Chinese tutor in Malaysia is not going to be difficult if you come to “ChampionTutor”. Our one to one Chinese tuition programs offer to benefit your children in every possible way. Some of the advantages of appointing one of our Chinese Tutors Malaysia are:

  • Our Chinese tutors have prepared a specific Chinese curriculum for all preparatory levels. 
  • Tutors first analyze the learning abilities of the children, and then implement a unique style and format for teaching them. This enables maximum learning without burdening.
  • Building the child’s confidence in a subject is the aim of all our tutors. They will go to any extent to ensure your children develop a good command over the language.
  • We incorporate both speaking and writing in our Chinese curriculum to encourage holistic learning.
  • Our teachers are local Mandarins, who are passionate about teaching and in love with the idea of preserving and promoting their native language. 

Above all the reasons stated, we can become your trusted partner for Chinese Tuition in Malaysia. Give us a chance to serve you with the best Malaysia Chinese tutors. Fill a simple form on our website to register with us and you can start your hunt for a Chinese teacher immediately.

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