Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Take Physics in Secondary Education

Choosing a subject combination is one of the important phases of a student’s life as it influences the career options of an individual. Some students may score well in Physics but may not have a passion to pursue it in further education; meanwhile, some others may have the interest but may find it challenging to crack the exams.

So, here are reasons why Physics would be a good option for you as one of your core subjects!


Physics is a subject that requires a lot of problem-solving. Many advanced Physics problems will look really complicated but end up having elegant solutions. This is the prime reason why physics tuition is of high demand these days.


There are many examples of this in Physics Olympiad questions where students will only be able to do well if they are creative enough to come up with the solutions. By studying Physics, students will be able to generally improve their problem-solving skills and higher-order thinking which is useful not only in Physics but in everyone’s daily lives too.


Secondly, almost all of the phenomena that we encounter in our daily lives can be explained using Physics. It is a subject that has a vast number of real-life applications and helps students understand how the world they live in works.


Physics can help to explain simple phenomena like why leaves are green, why the sky is blue, why stars twinkle and more complex phenomena such as static electricity and the doppler effect.

Thus, studying Physics can help students clear their doubts about most of the events that happen around them. This is especially useful for people who are curious by nature.


Physics allows students who pursue Physics beyond their tertiary studies to have a wide variety of career choices. For students interested in manufacturing and technology-related roles, engineering is a good option.

Engineering also has many categories such as aeronautical, electrical, etc. Students interested in healthcare can choose to be radiologists, specialise in nuclear medicine and even work together with biomedical engineers.

Geophysics, energy, astronomy and theoretical physics are some other branches of physics that provide many job opportunities.


Physics plays a massive role in technological advancements. It acts as a basis for most modern technology. Physics is also used heavily in designing tools and instruments used in all branches of research.

It also equips students with quantitative and analytical skills that are useful for analysing data for many different jobs. Understanding basic Physics can help students equip themselves with these skills and will also help them not become lost in this age where technological growth is exponential.


Physics provides students with the opportunity to constantly learn something new throughout their lives. By nature, Physics is a subject that is constantly evolving, similar to Mathematics. There are always new theories being conjectured, always new mysteries found and thus always something to learn.


No one fully understands how our universe works and this allows students to continue feeding their curiosity. Students can also use this fact as a motivation to dive deeper and deeper into a Physics topic to try and understand it.


The challenging nature of the subject may seem like a reason to deter students from taking the subject in secondary school. Physics topics overlap with many other seemingly unrelated topics. Thus, many careers may unknowingly require some Physics knowledge.

Without basic knowledge in Physics from secondary school, students may struggle in the future when they encounter these Physics topics out of nowhere. Thus, students will be able to prepare well for their future by taking Physics when they are still able to.


Physics has a lot of applications in other subjects. Some students may already have made up their mind that they do not want to pursue Physics in the future. However, this does not mean that they should drop Physics when they have the chance to.

For students interested in Mathematics, learning Physics and how to apply what they know into it will help to hone the skills that they are required to know to do well in Maths.

Nuclear and quantum Physics greatly overlaps with Chemistry. Even music requires Physics to understand harmony, resonance, subharmonics and overtones!